Saturday, December 13, 2008

mount remote windows directory using smbfs

mount -t smbfs // /mnt/smb -o username=administrator,password=

smbmount // /work/jaimin/myVSS/ -o username=jaimin,password=

Mount iso cd image

mount -t iso9660 -o loop ./ddk- /mnt/iso

Add CD/DVD ISO image to openSUSE Repository

  1. add the ISO as a software repository

    zypper ar -c -t yast2 "iso:/?iso=/home/jaimin/su1100.001.iso" "openSuSE 11"

  2. Verify that the service has been successfully added

    zypper repos

  3. Now we can delete the DVD repository as an installation repository

    zypper rr 1

  4. Let's quickly enable automatic refresh (optional)

    zypper mr -r "openSuSE 11"

  5. Now we can finally test the ISO repository and install a package like nmap

    zypper in -y nmap

Write Iso image to CD/DVD linux command

cp boot.iso /tmp
cd; eject

Find device name:

cdrecord -scanbus


Cdrecord-Clone 2.01a34 (i686-pc-linux-gnu)
Copyright (C) 1995-2004 Jrg Schilling
scsidev: 'ATA:'
devname: 'ATA'
scsibus: -1 target: -1 lun: -1
Warning: Using badly designed ATAPI via /dev/hd*
Linux sg driver version: 3.5.27
Using libscg version 'schily-0.8'.
1,0,0 100) 'SONY' 'CD-Writer' '1.0g'
1,1,0 101) *
1,2,0 102) *
1,3,0 103) *
1,4,0 104) *
1,5,0 105) *
1,6,0 106) *
1.7.0 107) *

In above example, my device name is 1,0,0. Now again use the cdrecord command to burn ISO image:

# cdrecord -v -dao dev=1,0,0 file.iso

You can also specify burning speed:

# cdrecord -v -dao dev=1,0,0 speed=8 file.iso

Replace 1,0,0 with your actual device name obtained using cdrecord -scanbus command

Bootable ISO Image(CD/DVD) linux command

Put CD into CDROM

Do not mount CD.

If cd was mouted automatically unmout it with umount command:

# umount /dev/cdrom

Create CD-ROM ISO image with dd command:

dd if=/dev/cdrom of=/tmp/cdimg.iso


*(input file) if=/dev/cdrom: Read from /dev/cdrom (raw format)
*(output file) of=/tmp/cdimg1.iso: write to FILE cdimg1.iso i.e. create an ISO image

Now you can use cdimg.iso for hard disk installation or as a backup copy of cd.


find . -iname '*.cpp' -o -iname '*.c' -o -iname '*.h'>cscope.files && cscope -b && cscope -d

find command linux

-atime n File was accessed n days ago
-mtime n File was modified n days ago
-size n File is n blocks big (a block is 512 bytes)
-type c Specifies file type: f=plain text, d=directory
-fstype typ Specifies file system type: 4.2 or nfs
-name nam The filename is nam
-user usr The file's owner is usr
-group grp The file's group owner is grp
-perm p The file's access mode is p (where p is an integer)

You can use + (plus) and - (minus) modifiers with the atime, mtime, and size criteria to increase their usefulness, for example,

-mtime +7 Matches files modified more than seven days ago
-atime -2 Matches files accessed less than two days ago
-size +100 Matches files larger than 100 blocks (50KB)

find . \! -iname *.cpp find file except cpp files

find . \( -iname \*.sh -a -iname \*.cpp \) find sh and cpp files

find /dir1 /dir2 \! -iname *.cpp feed search path this way

-exec cmd Execute command cmd on a file.
-ok cmd Prompt before executing the command cmd on a file.

find . -size +100M
find . -size -100M

find . \( -iname \*.cpp -a -size -1k \)

-mmin n
File's data was last modified n minutes ago.
find . -mtime 2
find . -mtime -2 files that are less than 2 days old
find . -mtime +2 files that are more than 2 days old

find . -mmin 2
find . -mmin -2 files that are less than 2 min old
find . -mmin +2 files that are more than 2 min old

-amin n
File was last accessed n minutes ago.

find . -atime +30 find files that have not been accessed for over 30 days

find . -type d list directories in present directory
find . -type f list directories in present regular file

find . -maxdepth 1 -size +100k find files size more than 100k in present directory

find files created after
find . -cnewer

find files modified after
find . -newer

find . -empty -maxdepth 1

Print me the way you want me, baby!
Changing the output information
If you want more than just the names of the files displayed, find's -printf action lets you have just about any type of information displayed. Looking at the man page there is a startling array of options.

These are used the most:
%p filename, including name(s) of directory the file is in
%m permissions of file, displayed in octal.
%f displays the filename, no directory names are included
%g name of the group the file belongs to.
%h display name of directory file is in, filename isn't included.
%u username of the owner of the file

find . -name -printf %AD\ %Ar\\n;
11/29/08 05:01:27 PM

find . -name -printf %AI\ %AM\ %AS\ %Ap\ %AD\\n;
09 41 25.0000000000 PM 11/29/08

find . -name -printf %h\\n;
display directory only

Manage users in linux

useradd - Adding a new user

  • -d home directory
  • -s starting program (shell)
  • -p password
  • -g (primary group assigned to the users)
  • -G (Other groups the user belongs to)
  • -m (Create the user's home directory

Example: To add a new user with

  • a primary group of users
  • a second group mgmt
  • starting shell /bin/bash
  • password of xxxx
  • home directory of roger
  • create home directory
  • a login name of roger

useradd -gusers -Gmgmt -s/bin/shell -pxxxx -d/home/roger -m roger

usermod - Modifying existing user


  • -d home directory
  • -s starting program (shell)
  • -p password
  • -g (primary group assigned to the users)
  • -G (Other groups the user belongs to)

Example: To add the group 'others' to the user roger

usermod -Gothers roger

userdel - Deleting a user


  • -r (remove home directory)

Example: To remove the user 'roger' and his home directory

userdel -r roger

passwd - User's Password

  • user's name (Only required if you are root and want to change another user's password)

Example: To change the password for the account you are currently logged in as...

Enter existing password
Enter new password
Enter new password again (to validate)

Example: To change the password for the user 'roger' (only you are logged in as root)...

passwd roger
Enter existing password
(can be either roger's password or root's password)
Enter new password
Enter new password again (to validate)

change default shell in linux

chsh command

change host name

hostname string
changes hostname to string
hostname displays hostname

Login Scripts

the scenes, when you login, the following shell scripts are executed.
They are used to set environment variables and system settings.


  • This is the first script that is executed.
  • This script is used to set global parameters that are common to all users.


  • This is the next script that is normally executed.
  • Most likely the contents of this file will be the same for all users.
  • It can be changed to set unique parameters for each user.


  • This is the next script that is run and/or each time you start a new shell.